Hebron Project

Hebron Palestine

Cocoon Planting Technology | Education  | Monitoring & Support

Pilot Project in the West Bank, Palestine

Knowing the facts that Palestine is facing several challenges, such as; water scarcity, vulnerable political situation, and increasing the stress on natural resources including the land. MENAQUA, therefore aimed to enforce the Palestinian’s sovereignty on their land and adapting with the challenges of climatic change by implementing appropriate agricultural techniques for Palestinian reality. To achieve the mentioned goals, Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), Land Life Company (LLC) and MENAQUA worked together to bring the cocoon technology, which can reduce significantly the water need in agriculture, and increase the survival rates of the young tree seedlings.

Project Description

In the West Bank, MENAQUA worked directly with the Union of Agricultural Work committees (UAWC) in Hebron to set up a pilot planting of 200 trees using the Cocoon technology, namely were, olive and almond trees, in Wad al -Reem (Al Reem Valley), Saeer Municipality, as well as Wad ben Saleh (Ben Saleh Valley), Daheriya Municipality.

Project objectives

  • Replant olive and other trees on degraded Palestinian land;
  • Support farmers and their families by creating job opportunities and income-generating activities;
  •  Encourage Palestinian universities to conduct scientific research, for further roll-out of the technology;
  • Protect and preserve the environment;
  • Educate Palestinians on the benefits of trees, healthy ecology and water efficiency

Project Location

  • Wad Ben Saleh, Al-Dahriya, Hebron.
  • Wad al-Reem, Sa’er, Hebron.

Partners & Clients

Yassmin Hassan
Personal Assistant Management Menaqua